Tuesday, December 18, 2012



ASEAN, or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Association of South East Asian Nations: ASEAN) is a regional international organization in Southeast Asia. Beginning with Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines. Have jointly established a voluntary association (Association of South East Asia) in July 2504 to work together on economic, social and cultural. But the next two years, it has just stopped. The political reversal between Indonesia and Malaysia. Until the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Has been seeking cooperation again.

If you mean the "AEC AEC" >> to thai-aec.com <<.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It was established on 8 August 2510 after the signing of the Bologna Reform Association of South East Asian Nations (Declaration of ASEAN Concord) is known as another name. Bangkok Declaration (The Bangkok Declaration).

The founding members have 5 countries including Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand as a representative of the five countries signed the Bangkok Declaration.
One. Mr. Adam Malik, Foreign Minister of Indonesia.
Two. Stocked fly fly Abdul Hussein, Deputy Prime Minister. Minister of Defence and Minister for National Development, Singapore.
3. Associates in San Francisco Ramos, Secretary of the Philippines.
4. Mr. Rutter S. King Street, the Foreign Minister of Singapore.
Five. Colonel (Special) skill Khoman Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand.
After establishment. Community New Member on Aug 8, 2510, and is open to new members from the ASEAN countries of south-east Asia for an extended period. Priorities include.

- Brunei Darussalam. Joined on 8 January 2527.
- Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Joined on 28 July 2538.
- Lao People's Democratic Republic. Joined on July 23, 2540.
- Join the Union of Myanmar on 23 July 2540.
- The Kingdom of Cambodia. Joined on April 30, 2542.

The purpose of the establishment of the ASEAN Community.
ASEAN. Initially established with the objective to build peace in Southeast Asia. Will bring political stability. And economic, social and cultural development and international trade in world trade is likely to discourage violence. The ASEAN to focus on strengthening and expanding economic cooperation and trade between each other. Objectives set out in the ASEAN Declaration (The ASEAN Declaration) has the following 7.

One. Promote economic growth. Social and cultural progress.
Two. Promote stability. Peace and stability of the region.
Three. Promote economic, social, cultural and Management Science.
4th. Promote mutual cooperation in training and research.
5. Promote cooperation in agriculture, industry, trade, transport and communication, and improve living standards.
6. Promote education in Southeast Asia.
7. Promote cooperation with regional organizations and international organizations.

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